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Patagonia Trust Analysis: Values Driven or Money Driven?

Patagonia leveraged a key trust initiative to realize tax breaks and, more importantly, use these advantages to further its vision.

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Three Things You Didn’t Know About Working For a Start-up


Jean-Philippe Thought Leadership Blog

How I Learned that Estate Planning is an Act of Love

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Brisset: Devs Should Demand More of Employers

Read our CTO on landing the right job in FinTech

Clear Estate poll shows estate settlement among lifes most difficult tasks

Exclusive: ClearEstate poll shows estate settlement among “life’s most difficult tasks”

Maru Public Opinion asked over 1500 Americans about their expectations of estate settlement and the challenges faced by executors.

The Five Stages of Grief

Rethinking the ‘5 Stages’ of Grief

The Kübler-Ross legacy and a reignited debate on a popular misunderstanding

Co founder Alexandre Gauthier explains the roots of his original Clear Estate mind map

Gauthier: How My Obsession Sparked ClearEstate

Co-founder Alexandre Gauthier explains the roots of his original ClearEstate mind map

Employer bereavement benefits for Canadians

Why Empathetic Employers Are Offering Bereavement Benefits

A new layer of support for grieving employees at the most difficult time of their lives