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Can I Write My Will With a Will Kit in British Columbia?

There’s a common misconception that you need an estate lawyer or notary to write your will.

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Common Mistakes to Avoid When Planning your Estate in British Columbia

Estate planning is a complex process that many people avoid. It can be unpleasant to focus on the thought of you not being around someday, but doing so is essential.

Couple planning Estate

Estate Planning: Why is it so important?

Estate planning has a number of benefits, saving your family both time and money. Here is why estate planning is so important.

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Who should be the executor of a will?

This is a position of great responsibility, and the executor must act on the testator’s behalf to ensure that the assets are allocated properly.

Beloved man in hard life situation

What To Do When a Loved One is Dying

A step-by-step guide to beginning estate executorship

Planning with estate agent

The Ultimate Estate Planning Checklist

A comprehensive estate plan also ensures that your wishes will be honoured, even after you’re gone.

Estate Settlement Preparing Executor Woman

How to Prepare your Executor

What is the best way to help your chosen estate executor while you are still alive?

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How to Choose an Executor

Part of the estate planning process is choosing a responsible estate executor, someone who will look after the interests of your estate