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In California, estate settlement is governed by the California Probate Code and requires probate for most estates. Discover the steps to file for probate, understand executor duties, and explore ways to minimize probate costs.

Letters Testamentary California

California's Letters of Testamentary: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover the precise steps to secure Letters of Testamentary in California. Our comprehensive guide makes the process straightforward and hassle-free

Writing A Legally Valid Will In California

How to Write a Will in California

A legally valid will is the cornerstone of any good estate plan. Here’s what you need to know about writing your own valid will in California.

Dying without a will in California

Dying Without a Will in California: Navigating Probate

Grasp the intricacies of California probate without a will, and ensure rightful heirs inherit by following California's intestate succession laws outlined in this blog:

Avoid Probate CAL min

How To Avoid Probate in California

To avoid probate in California, a person must use legal tools to ensure their property is not solely owned in their individual name. Here are ways you can avoid probate.

California probate fees

The total cost of probate in California in 2025

Probate fees in California are determined by probate code 10800 & 10810. Learn how these fees are calculated and what costs to expect when handling an estate in 2025

Adobe Stock 132250532 min

How To Obtain A Death Certificate In California

When someone in California dies, their family members must obtain a death certificate from their local county recorders office. Learn how to do so here!

Do i need a probate lawyer in california

Do I Need A Lawyer To Probate A Will In California?

While a lawyer is not needed to probate a will in California, it still is recommended to get professional help to guide you through this complex process.

Miitary wills vs traditional wills

What's the Difference Between a Traditional and a Military Will in California?

While the purpose of a will remains the same both in a traditional and in a military context, a military will allows for more flexibility and fewer restrictions.